
About Us

“Hunarmand Jawan” is a program in Pakistan aimed at providing vocational and skills training to young individuals. The term “Hunarmand Jawan” translates to “skilled youth” in Urdu. This program is designed to equip the country’s youth with the skills and knowledge necessary to enter the workforce and pursue sustainable livelihoods. Here are some key points about the “Hunarmand Jawan” training program:

Skill Development: The program focuses on imparting practical skills and training in various trades and industries. This includes fields such as construction, agriculture, information technology, healthcare, hospitality, and more.

Youth Empowerment: “Hunarmand Jawan” is aimed at empowering young people by making them employable and financially self-reliant. It addresses the issue of youth unemployment and underemployment by providing them with marketable skills.

Public-Private Partnerships: The program often involves collaboration between government institutions and the private sector. This partnership allows for a more comprehensive approach to skills development and ensures that the training aligns with the needs of the job market.

Training Partners